Seeking Diversification and Growth? Explore Zacks Core ETF Models!


Looking to build a diversified portfolio for long-term capital appreciation?

Zacks Investment Management offers the Zacks Core ETF models, leveraging over three decades of experience and cutting-edge research. These models prioritize passive investment strategies by utilizing carefully selected third-party ETFs to achieve broad diversification and cost efficiency. The Core ETF models invest in a mix of domestic and international equities, aiming for capital appreciation and dividend income. Additionally, they incorporate fixed income ETFs to reduce volatility and provide a steady income stream, making them a robust option for long-term growth and stability. The six portfolios—ranging from ultra-aggressive to conservative—cater to various risk tolerances and return objectives.

Key features of the Zacks Core ETF models:

  • Cost-Effective: The combination of model strategist fee and ETF expense ratios is currently under 0.30%, providing cost efficiency.
  • Diversification: Gain exposure to various asset classes through a curated selection of ETFs, providing a well-balanced portfolio designed to mitigate risk and enhance potential returns.
  • Proven Track Record: The Core ETF models have a long track record and utilize established, third-party ETFs with long histories, seeking greater stability and predictability.
  • Active Oversight: Zacks leverages its proprietary ETF Ranking System targeting best-in-class funds within each asset class.


For investors seeking a diversified, cost-effective, and long-term growth strategy, the Zacks Core ETF models offer a compelling option. With focus on established ETFs, lower costs, and active selection through the Zacks ETF Ranking System, these models can be a solid foundation for your investment journey.

Caution: Be careful to differentiate in the Freedom Advisors platform between the above Zacks Core ETF models and the more recently launched Zacks Active ETF models.



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